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REEDNEWSARABWORLD is an essential quick read for the day's important news from, about, and impacting the Arab states, edited by experienced professional journalists. 

Even-handed and thorough, the report is easy to read and highly informative.  REEDNEWSARABWORLD has been published for six years and is praised by an exclusive list of senior diplomats, government officers, business executives, and institutional and academic leaders.

Now it’s available to all -- analysts, researchers, journalists, students, citizens, expats — anyone interested in this vital world sector. Serious news for serious people. One leading Arab ambassador, considered one of the most highly-informed diplomats, says: "Every day I learn something I didn't know." 

Compare with your daily newspaper's coverage of Arab news: a few paragraphs, if any. Or scroll world news for the top stories: Zero for Arab news, all too often.  

You’ll want to read REEDNEWSARABWORLD.  The pros do.  Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr., the noted former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, says: Indispensable.

“REEDNEWSARABWORLD is indispensable daily reading if you’re trying to follow the complex dynamics of the Arab world. This unique daily compendium of news is the obvious way to start your day.”


The Arab World: What's driving the news today?